How to Convert Binary to Hexadecimal?

Are you struggling with understanding how to convert binary numbers to hexadecimal numbers? Look no further! In this blog post, we will be discussing the process of converting binary numbers to their hexadecimal equivalents, with simple explanations and examples.
So, if you're ready, let's get started!
What are Binary numbers ?
Binary numbers are numbers that are expressed in base-2, meaning that they only contain two digits: 0 and 1. Binary numbers are used to represent data in computers, including digital images, sound, and text.
What are hexadecimal number ?
Hexadecimal numbers are base-16 numbers that use the digits 0-9 and A-F (or a-f) to represent values. They are commonly used in computer programming to represent a variety of values, including colors, memory addresses, and character encoding.
How to convert binary to octal ?
Group the binary digits in group of four from the right
Replace each group by the corresponding hexadecimal digit
Note: An extra '0' is put to the left of the binary number to make a complete group of 4 digits)
Binary: 10010101
Grouped: 1001 0101
Octal: 9 5
Let's understand by the help of below example
Note: To convert binary to hexadecimal we have to represent each digit as group of 4 as hexadecimal digit (0 to F) i,e. (0 -> 0000, 1 -> 0001, 2 -> 0010, ... E -> 1110, F->1111)
Decimal to Hexadecimal Table
To convert the binary number system to hexadecimal, we have to remember the table given below, to solve the problems in a quick way.

You can easily understand by the help of below example.

Explanation of above problem
To convert a binary number (10010101) to its octal number, we have to follow these steps:
Group the binary digits of three from the right.
For the number 10010101, the grouping will be:
The hexadecimal equivalent of 10010101 is 95.
1001 0101
9 5
Note: An extra '0' is put to the left of the binary number to make a complete group of 4 digits)
In conclusion, converting binary to hexadecimal can be a tricky process, but it is a vital part of working with computers. By breaking down binary into its component parts and then using the hexadecimal system to represent those components, you can easily understand the binary data and make use of it. With practice and a bit of patience, you can become proficient in converting binary to hexadecimal.