How to convert Binary Fraction to Octal ?

Are you looking for an easy way to convert a binary fraction to the octal number system? If so, then you’ve come to the right place!
In this blog article, we’ll explore the process of converting a binary fraction to octal number system with examples and step-by-step instructions. Get ready to learn about one of the most common binary-to-octal conversions!
What are binary fraction ?
Binary fractions are a representation of numbers in the binary number system, which uses only two digits: 0 and 1.
Binary fractions are commonly used in computing and computer science because it is easy to represent numbers in binary form.
To write a binary fraction, we use a decimal point and continue the pattern of powers of 2 in the fractional part.
For example, the binary fraction 0.101 represents the decimal value 1/2 + 0/4 + 1/8 = 0.625.
First method to convert Binary Number to octal
Start by writing out the binary number.
Group the binary digit of three from the right.
Replace each set of three with its octal equivalent.
The result is the octal equivalent of the binary fraction.
Let's understand by the help of below example
To convert the binary fraction to octal number system, we have to remember the table given below, to solve the problems in a quick way.

You can easily understand by the help of below example.

Explanation of above problem
To convert a binary number (10100111.100011) to its octal number, we have to follow these steps:
Group the binary digits of three from the right.
For the number 10011111, the grouping will be:
The octal equivalent of 10011111 is 247.43.
010 100 111.100 011
2 4 7 4 3
Note: An extra '0' is put to the left of the binary number to make a complete group of 3 digits)
By following those above setps, you can easily convert any decimal to its hexadecimal equivalent.
In conclusion, the octal grouping method provides a useful approach for converting binary fractions to octal. By dividing the binary fraction into groups of three bits and assigning each group a corresponding octal digit, we can easily represent the binary fraction in octal form.
This method simplifies the conversion process and allows for a more efficient representation of binary fractions in octal. Overall, understanding and utilizing the octal grouping method can greatly aid in converting binary fractions to octal.